Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Painting US Army infantry for Bolt action!

With so many projects I'm just pushing through . Speed painting is a way of life for me . The only way I'll be able to get army's done with my hetic schedule . So I'm painting up my plastic us Army minature for bolt action . First I prime with a tan flat paint . Second I paint the flesh . Then the helmet a od green . Then the paints and boots a leather brown rolled by a warmer blood stone brown from privateer press is applied to the weapon . Once that is dry . I paint all the metal bits with a bolt gun metal color . When it's all dry , I was it with gw"a earthgrax brown . I'm happy with the final results .all the details are filled in with the wash . Then I go back with some of the same colors and slightly high light major areas to make the model pop a little . Then bases them and they're ready for the table top . Fast and easy 

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