I became interested in doing a Titan fall pilot costume when I started thinking about it . Should be easy enough . The hardest bit of kit would be the helmet . Started brain storming about it when I was able to locate a mate in the UK who was about to cast one . So that would be the fastest . So I became bent on getting it done before pax east the following week in Boston ( the penny arcade expo , a great mega gaming con ) quickly I ordered several parts of kit . I ordered a scifi looking airsoft vest . Built the jet pack and began working on it . The helmet arrived and out came the rotary saw and paints . Shoulder and knee pads build and painted . All ready to go . Unforunty I didn't have tme to put led lights in various parts . But when I revist the build I will . The visor I went with what I had a dark lens car tint . But I needed a silver one to give me the look I wanted . I was able to get my hands on some metallic vehicle tint from a local car tint place . All finished a day before the convention . I was ready ! Great time at the con . So much to see . I stopped by the Titan fall booth and was met by some great fans and givin swag . They told me to come by at 2 pm to meet some of the devolopers and to get a chance to play against them ! Awesome stuff ! So me and my buddy returned and got to meet some of the lead devolopers and take pics . Very nice people . They told me how much they liked our costumes ( they're were several other Titan fall pilots there as we'll ) great times . A con definately worth going to . Lots of cool games . Video and tabletop . My game of the show to me looked like evolve from 2k games . Couldn't play it due to large lines but looked amazing . We'll till next time enjoy the pics
Monday, April 21, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
40k Hadley's hope colony battle!
With my almost fully painted spartan scenics colony terrain . It was time to game on it . So 1000 points a side tyrannids vs inquisitor force of the imperium . We decide on only using models , terminator base sizes or smaller . Since we were going to be fighting in tight rooms and corriders . Great game with some intense close fighting . My tyrannids pulled out a victory . Great game . Next time we'll be doing kill team . Since a lot of the fighting was crowded . Game looked great , and with a great opponent was a blast . Terrain was excellent I give it good marks in looks and affordability . The terrain on the table cost me about $130.00 in US dollars . Good bang for your buck . Enjoy the pics
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Painting US Army infantry for Bolt action!
With so many projects I'm just pushing through . Speed painting is a way of life for me . The only way I'll be able to get army's done with my hetic schedule . So I'm painting up my plastic us Army minature for bolt action . First I prime with a tan flat paint . Second I paint the flesh . Then the helmet a od green . Then the paints and boots a leather brown rolled by a warmer blood stone brown from privateer press is applied to the weapon . Once that is dry . I paint all the metal bits with a bolt gun metal color . When it's all dry , I was it with gw"a earthgrax brown . I'm happy with the final results .all the details are filled in with the wash . Then I go back with some of the same colors and slightly high light major areas to make the model pop a little . Then bases them and they're ready for the table top . Fast and easy
Us army , mawlocks , and corriders
I've been painting like a crazy man . Working on my us army infantry for bolt action and a new tyrannid mawloc for my 40k tyrannid army and also have been painting up spartan scenics terrain for some scifi alien bug hunting corridor action . Enjoy my progress pics
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